Saturday 27 August 2011

Current life.

I assumed that humans life are highly related to their perception of life, just like me.

As what Implicit personality theory (IPA) concerns the general expectations that we build about a person after we know something of their central traits. So how you behave is definitely based on your own perception towards the situation.

I guess why I'm stuck in moody situation few weeks ago is highly related to my personality. I used to be a girl who think that everything could be solved easily as I want. For instance, I work hard on studies to get a better results or I read a lot to learned some techniques. However, I forget that there are certain things in life that couldn't be solved by 'work hard', especially love stuff.

OK... I agree with you guys that I'm stupid enough.

Maybe I should learn to accept that love is not under my control. Some people told me that, once you start the engine of love, you don't have choice to make an emergency break. Oh, you don't? I don't know. I'm pretty sure for it is not my main study any-more, at least for my current life.

As it went away from me, I've lot of plan to go. Well, I know it is long way.

This time, I'm still hold on my belief which is everything could be solve through 'work hard', except of love. ;-)

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